Determination of Phosphorus Content in Hydrogen Peroxide by Phosphomolybdate Yellow Spectrophotometric Method 磷钼黄分光光度法测定过氧化氢中磷含量二甲基吡啶钼磷酸盐
Washing powders-determination of total phosphorus ( v) oxide content-quinoline phosphomolybdate gravimetric method 粉末洗涤剂-总氧化磷含量测定-磷钼酸喹啉重量法
Bismuth phosphomolybdate blue spectrophotometric method for the rapid determination of phosphorus in vanadium-nitrogen alloy 二甲基吡啶钼磷酸盐铋磷钼蓝分光光度法快速测定钒氮合金中磷量
The gravimetrie method for HEDP by using corrosion inhibitor and incrustation inhibitor unite method with quinoline phosphomolybdate is studied. It shows this method has good accuracy and precision. 以喹啉磷钼酸盐重量法对由缓蚀剂与阻垢剂联合法制备的HEDP主含量进行分析研究,结果表明此方法具有良好的准确度和精密度。
Uncertainty of photometric determination of phosphorus in plain carbon steel by phosphomolybdate blue method was evaluated on the basis of EURACHEM/ CITAC-QUAM. Source of the uncertainty components was discussed and calculation, synthesis and evaluation of the uncertainty components were made. 按磷钼蓝光度法对钢材中磷进行测定,根据EURACHEM/CITAC-QUAM对测定结果的不确定度进行了评定,分析了不确定度的来源,对各分量进行了计算、合成并作出评定。
The latter was investigated by the phosphomolybdate blue method, high_resolution TEM and XPS spectrum. 后一个阶段的水解机理用磷钼蓝法、高倍透射电镜和XPS图谱等进行了探索。
The Determination Of Hedp By Using Unite Method With Quinoline Phosphomolybdate Gravimetic Method 喹啉磷钼酸盐重量法测定联合法制备HEDP的含量